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dc.contributor.authorСуворов, Василь Олександрович-
dc.contributor.authorСкакальська, Зоя Євгеніївна-
dc.contributor.authorП'явка, Марія Миколаївна-
dc.contributor.authorДушний, Андрій Іванович-
dc.identifier.issnE-ISSN: 2956-3402-
dc.description.abstractEducational transformations caused by the global pandemic COVID-19 have actualized the use of digital technologies, in particular, in higher music education. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the theoretical and methodological digital educational technologies use aspects in the process of music-instrumental training of applicants for the higher music education of the future. General scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction, and induction) and specifically scientific methods (prediction and concretization) were used in the research. The results reflect the importance of acquiring the necessary competencies in digital teaching methods work. The need for digital competence, communication skills, creativity, cybersecurity, and programming has been justified. The potential of digital technologies in higher music education was also analyzed. Namely, it is proved that the use of digital programs in music and instrumental training of students will expand the audience and lead to the possible collective writing of melodies and entire compositions in the future. To conclude, it is noted that the advantages of using digital technology in music and instrumental training are interactivity, integrality, didactic potential, comfortable learning environment, and creativity. At the same time, a broader study will require methods of teaching in higher music education of the future.uk_UA
dc.publisherPublisher:FuturityResearchPublishing, Poland,Lodzuk_UA
dc.subjecthigher music educationuk_UA
dc.subjectdigital technologiesuk_UA
dc.titleТеоретико-методологічні аспекти використання цифрових освітніх технологій у процесі музично-інструментальної підготовки здобувачів вищої освіти майбутнього.uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeНаукова статтяuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра музичного мистецтва

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